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Key is to be sly as a fox

Services for Professional Flight Simulator operators or manufacturers

Get inventive and very effective solutions

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Save time and internal ressources

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Get a second opinion on what you plan to do

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Get a very good cost/benefits ratio

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Simulator Maintenance Services

Aircraft system
Update / Upgrade


Throughout the lifespan of an aircraft (or helicopter), systems constantly evolve. Evolution of generic calculators like EGPWS, GNSS or TCAS, appearance of new safety feature (UPRT Training for example), Regulatory evolution (VHF 8.33 for example) ...

After 25 years of experience, I can partially or fully handle any necessary evolution for your simulator. This for any system, whether the upgrade has to be done directly in the simulator source code (simulated feature) or if it requests a real calculator integration. As long as you have the source code that allows me to upgrade or integrate, I can handle it.

The best scenario is for you to have the aircraft manufacturer's documentation, but if that's not the case, I have significant experience in reverse engineering, which should enable me to assist you as well.

All the process will be covered from Conception to clear Acceptance Test Manual provision.

Pilot in the cockpit

Bug correction


Whether you call them bugs, snags, DRs, or simply issues, we all know that simulators have some of them.

They can be old and (for various reasons) no longer acceptable today or they can be recent, they are no less complicated to fix.

I will troubleshoot them for you by finding where they come from (isolation), modifying the source code to fix them (correction) and provide you a process to verify the correction (checking)

I have expertise in most of the programming languages used in your simulators, whether it's C, C++, Fortran, assembly language, or other languages.

Source Code

Other Update
or evolution


You might need to do a Visual system upgrade or replacement, or an IOS evolution, or integrate your simulator inside a wider ecosystem like an ATC simulation or replace your old I/O System by a more recent or sustainable one.

During my carreer, I performed this kind of integration many times, in various environments and with various third party solutions.

I will handle the whole integration process and if necessary help you to define what is the best solution for your needs.

B737 wing in the sun

Simulator Procurement Process

FSTD Selection, sourcing and purchase


We will discuss together what are your needs in terms of training, budget, constraints, certification level, benefits, general environment ....

On your behalf, I will then contact various FSTD manufacturer and propose you a report with recommendations and a short list of the best solutions to fit your needs

I will get offers and will ensure that they include everything that is mandatory for you in order to succesfully operate the FTSD in your organisation (documentation, maintenance features, evolution, safety, certification ...)

FSTD Project Management


After your FSTD has been ordered, I will support you in the following matters :

  • Tracking the project's progress.

  • Ensuring that the manufactured product actually aligns with the offer made.

  • Questioning efficiently and straightforwardly the manufacturer to uncover potential delays or cost overruns between the lines.

  • Organizing, supporting and reporting progress meetings

  • Organizing acceptances and delivery

  • Reviewing documentation

FSTD Acceptance (In Plant and On Site)


Acceptance is always a long and painfull process. I will assist you with

  • Tracking all the problems encountered and ensuring that they are all correctly described (from an engineer point of view) in order the manufacturer can understand and fix them efficiently.

  • Ensuring that the manufactured product actually aligns with the offer made.

  • Issuing daily reports

  • Ensuring that no documentation is missing

FSTD Qualification


Whether you have to qualify the FSTD under EASA, FAA or any other regulation authority, I can assist you with this process :

  • Being a point of contact with the authority

  • Ensuring that the simulator fulfills all the subjective and objective requirements requested by the rule.

  • Reviewing the master QTG and other documentation before submission.


Keys for the future

New realities


The future is already here. Emerging technologies like mixed reality allow us to dream about new ways of training and new training tools. 

But is it really worth it ? How to prove it ? For which training tasks ? What are the limits ? Should we use virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality ? Is there a way to avoid thickness ?

Those are as many questions that you already have. I can help you to move forward on those subjects.


I started to work on them more than 10 years ago when I started a business specialized in augmented reality smartphone apps. During this great experience, I had the opportunity to build many amazing (at that time) AR experiments on small devices. I also had the opportunity to integrate mixed reality in an A320 FTD using Varjo XR helmet and to integrate a Maintenance Training Device in an oculus environment. Finally, as an enthousiast, I keep myself up to date with the technology by going to dedicated conferences


On top of that, I am aware of the technological bricks required to integrate those emerging technologies and I already implemented and used most of them.


So don't hesitate to contact me and have a chat about your emerging technologies projects.

Artificial intelligence


AI is everywhere now. Why not in our industry ?

Of course, we should not use it just to use it, it has to have a meaning.

With this in mind and as a tech enthousiast, I started to take interest in this subject, trying to understand how it works, the differences between supervised learning and reinforcement learning ... And of course, how we could use it in our sims. Many subjects could be addressed by AI (and some are already a bit) : traffic simulation, helping the instructor work, analysing training datas gathered during real sessions, give more feedbacks to the trainees, qualifying and monitoring student stress or attention during training ...

The subject is huge and fascinating. 

I would really love to share with you about it.

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